February 26, 2003

Proactive Steps Towards A Better World

I spend a bit too much time pointing out the terrible and wrong things that Ashcroft, Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld (the CRAB Regime?) do and today I want to take a look at some proactive positive activity going on now.
First, there is a group of dedicated, smart and determined folks building a bio-regional independent media center (IMC) here. The IMC movement began in 1999 with a group of people who were posting up to the minute news about the Battle of Seattle Protests to websites and chat channels. When CNN reported that rubber bullets were not being used, the media activists were able to put home grown video online, propagating the truth. CNN later changed their reporting. This empowerment led to a global collective movement dedicated to creating regional tools for reporting and information dissemination. The central website is http://www.indymedia.org/ and over 100 websites around the world now exist. The philosophy centers around the democratic necessity for free access to information. The Open Publishing system allows anyone to post their stories, editorials, news or investigations to the Newswire. Anyone can comment on a story, creating lively discussions. Urban regions have particularly active discussions. The cream of the Newswire gets selected by the Editorial Collective and appears as front page Features. The websites are operated by an open membership collective with egalitarian and consensual processes. Locally, the Rogue IMC (currently at http://indymedia.truffula.net/) has public meetings every Sunday at 3pm at Evo's. The group is still forming, yet we have great and growing community support, functional technology, and an expanding group of writers. I invite you to attend the meetings and utilize the website.
Second, Michael Albert, editor of Z Magazine and co-founder of South End Press, has written a book on participatory economics. The book is called "Parecon: Life After Capitalism". I'm incredibly excited about this book first because of the vision, and second because of the author. It hits the stands in April but you can read excerpts at the above link and read more about parecon at Parecon.org. It's all to easy to fall into reactionary dead ends, endlessly arguing against the system of greed and corruption prevalent today. This is a modern alternative vision presented by a leading activist and author giving the activist fuel for the creative fire within us all. You can pre-order the book here.
With a potent democratic means of information and a powerful economic vision we, the progressive activists, can build a significantly different future than the one offered by Bush et al.
Posted by John at February 26, 2003 08:25 PM | TrackBack
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